Ok, I've already done thirteen posts on this journey into strategy and mapping covering the basic of maps, the first map, some general lessons and revisiting that first map in more detail.
This brings me to a point that the reader should now have an idea of how to map an organisation and anticipate some basic forms of change.
The next sections will cover new forms of organisations, the fundamental importance of ecosystems, use of open as tactical weapon, numerous defensive strategies such as tower and moat along with attacking strategies and how to put together an overall battle plan. The mapping technique is essential to to this because without it those plays are reduced to more hand waving and unclear notions. It's the map which tells us the why of ecosystem for example.
Anyway, thank you for the feedback so far. Much appreciated and I hope you find this useful and not too slow. I'm now going to take a break for a bit, as other things require my attention but just to recap ...
---- Journey so far.
Post 1 : The start of my journey
A young CEO caught in the headlights of change.
Post 2 : The importance of maps
An exploration of why maps are important and a question - where are our business maps?
Post 3 : There's too much confusion.
My quest for maps in business begins in earnest and starts with the concept of value chains.
Post 4 : Evolution,
Explores how things evolve and why diffusion is only part of the puzzle. Evolution is an essential part to mapping an organisation.
Post 5 : A first map.
Uses both value chain and evolution to create a rudimentary map of a business. In this case, Fotango in 2005.
Post 6 : Business they drink my wine
The journey from chaotic to linear and how the characteristics of activities, practices and data change as they evolve.
Post 7 : Why one size never fits all
Examines why the change of characteristics impact techniques and how one technique is not suitable for all activities leading to debates such as six sigma vs agile
Post 8 : Of perils and Alignment
Examines why changing characteristics create problems for business from the pitfalls and perils of outsourcing to the issues of business alignment.
Post 9 : Everything Evolves.
Explores the common path of evolution whether Practice, Activites or Data and how practices can co-evolve to create inertia to change. Covers Cynefin, Co-Evolution and Inertia
Post 10 : Evolution begets Genesis begets Evolution
Examining how there is a cycle of commoditisation and genesis with new activities being built on past activities. Covers componentisation, volume effects and disruption,
Post 11 : Inertia
Examining why customers and companies have inertia to change, what the causes and symptoms are and why it is so dangerous. Covers disruption of the past, transition to new and agency of the new.
Post 12 : Revolution
Using evolution and inertia we explore why revolutions (such as the industrial revolution) occur and what the common consequences of this are. Covers Kondratiev waves, prediction and time, disruption.
Post 13 : Revisiting our first map
Taking the lessons and principles we've covered and re-applying them to that first map of Fotango back in 2005, to explain how Fotango predicted the changes brought about by Cloud.