Yesterday I gave my last conference talk on Enterprise 2.0 for the foreseeable future. Actually, it wasn't a talk but rather I was on a panel with JP Rangaswami, Nigel Green, and Ajit Jaokar.
Jonathan Robinson was trying and in the most part succeeding to keep us all on track, except of course when I barged in to speak. Unfortunately that was most of the bloody time!
I rarely do panels because I'm awful at them, still I was grateful to finish my meanderings in this field on a high note such as Enterprise 2.0 Mashup.
The audience was very forgiving.
If you want to keep tabs on the Enterprise 2.0 world, I really recommend reading Euan, Jenny, Dion and of course Andrew.
For me, the future is all spime, spime, spime, spime ....
(See the Monty Python sketch)