Watching the Michael Moore film on health care in the U.S.
Thank god, I live in a more civilised country. It's not perfect but generally it's very good.
I know we have a lunatic economic fringe who believe in privatised healthcare in this country (solid grounds for committal if you ask me), however the horrors of the U.S. Health system and its debt culture should be enough to put anyone off. I think that both Moore and Benn hit the nail on the head, that most of what happens in the U.S is about controlling an impoverished population.
I feel deeply sorry for the millions of people in the U.S who must be suffering in debt, poverty, depression and desperation. The more I read, the more I discover of a country where so few can have so much, and so many can have so little. I don't understand how they put up with it.
Is this really the American dream?
The French have free education, free health, easier working conditions, better living conditions, more productive people and "a government that is afraid of the people". In the U.S. it seems there is the opposite.
I hope we keep the government cowering in the UK, I'd like to see more more clear blue water between us and this American nightmare.
Dumping patients on street curbs, not treating their own heroes of ground zero, deciding which finger to lose on the grounds of which is cheaper - it's sickening indeed.
I can only assume that this film is exaggerated, because, I can't believe a nation of people who pride themselves on freedom would accept such slavery to poverty. If it is true, it is shameful.