I scribbled this down a few days ago, however given my posts recently I thought I'd better announce my own Mystic Me "completely redundant cowardly custard predictions for 2008".
These are:
- XaaS and utility computing will become a more mainstream subject.
- Commoditisation of IT will become a hotter topic and there will be increasing concern as to its long term social and employment ramifications.
- More companies will adopt Enterprise 2.0 technology.
- There will be a greater convergence between the worlds of SaaS and SOA.
- There will be a security issue (loss of data or loss of service) with one or more SaaS vendors.
- There will be increased disruption in the traditional media industries brought on by the lowering of the barriers of entry into those industries.
- The rate of innovation of new web products will appear to increase.
- The 3D printer industry will continue to grow with the likely release of personal desktop printers
- Portability between service providers will become a more important discussion point.
- Green computing will be on the radar of an increasing number of execs.
There aren't actually meaningful predictions. Rather, they are continuations of existing trends now with new added vagueness. Enjoy.