Tuesday, February 26, 2008

If you didn't mean to read this ... then why did you?

I just received the following email:

Thank you for your previously expressed interest in {name removed} beta testing which has now begun. We would greatly appreciate your participation and subsequent feedback. Please click on the following link to create your account and begin your involvement: http://{url removed}
If you did not previously request to be involved, please do not click the above link but instead contact us immediately at {email removed}.
The {name removed} Team

My immediate thought was Social Engineering Attack! Except, of course, I knew I had expressed an interest. I still had to check the raw source and headers just in case.

I was suspicious because of the text that I've highlighted. Why would you ask someone who has not contacted you, to contact you? Doesn't that say something awful about the quality of your service? Are you just randomly spamming people as well?

If you don't mean to contact me, please don't. Certainly don't contact me and then ask me, that if I didn't want you to contact me, to then contact you to say so.

As I said before, I don't want to be pushed or pulled, I want to draw.