Sunday, November 05, 2006


Landed in San Francisco last night - preparing for a day of "where am I? what time is this? why has my brain shutdown?" and then it's web 2.0

On the flight over, I sat next to and got chatting with Jonny Geller who has written and published a book called Yes, but is it good for the Jews?. Very funny, and an interesting conversation on copyright to boot.

James Duncan took me out to a somewhat dodgy looking, but delightful BBQ called Minnie's. The food was excellent.

Over the next week, I've been asked to write up reports, presentations and questions on :-

  • Internet retail in the year 2015.
  • Future 3D printing industries.
  • Why carbon permits are not the solution.
  • Commoditied web operating environments.

and I've got some interviews on Zimki lined up.

I'll blog about these when I'm finished.